Ischemia, the noun for ischemic, means a low oxygen state due to inadequate blood flow. Bowel refers to the small and large intestine.
Ischemic bowel disease results from inadequate flow of oxygenated blood to the intestines. The extent of ischemic bowel disease can range from mild to severe based on the amount of damage from lack of oxygenated blood. This is a potentially serious condition and requires care from your doctor.
I received word that a friend was in the hospital, and when I called, I found out she has been in for two weeks, first in ICU, then step down, and she may be transferred to yet another hospital. She became ill at home with vomiting and diarrhea, called a friend to come, but had passed out by the time the friend got there. Another 2 hours delay and she would have been dead.
Read the article. Be informed.
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