Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Quality of death

The United Kingdom ranks number one in quality of death. Apparently, it's a few bricks short of a load in health care, but excels in death care. The Economist Intelligence Unit was commissioned by the Lien Foundation of Singapore, a philanthropic organization, to devise a ”Quality of Death” Index to rank countries according to their provision of end-of-life care. What makes up a "good death?" "The UK has led the way in terms of its hospice care network and statutory involvement in end-of-life care, and ranks top of 40 countries measured in the Index (see Figure 1). This is despite having a far-from-perfect healthcare system (indeed, it ranks 27th on the Basic End-of Life Healthcare Environment sub-category, which accounts for 20% of the overall score). But the UK is top in the Quality of End-of-Life Care sub-category, which includes indicators such as public awareness, training availability, access to pain killers and doctor- patient transparency (and accounts for 40% of the overall score)." The link is for the summary, but there is a white paper available.

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